5 tips to make the most of your word of the year reflection

There is something about the end of the year specifically December that puts me in the reflective mood. I like to take a moment and reflect on the events that happened over this past year, as well as look back on what God showed me this year through my word of the year, “abundance.”

I find that we must know where we came from to realize how far we've come. The benefit of reflecting is twofold; first see the growth over this past year, and then to take those insights that we've developed and apply them to our everyday life. We also use what the Lord has shown us and plan out and prayerfully inquire about our word of the year for next year.

I hope that the way that I choose to reflect on my word of the year and what God has shown me through that word provides some sort of road map for you to reflect on your word of the year. Stick with me until the end, and I’ll be providing a worksheet and guide that helps you reflect as well as set goals for next year!

But first, some general reflection tips for your word of the year:

Tip #1: Define your word as the world sees it.

For my word, Abundance the usual definition is related to “more”. The world definition of abundance is stuff, stuff, and more stuff. Abundance by the world standards is having more, needing more, getting more, and achieving more. Abundance in the eyes of the world is something you have to work to have, and work even harder to keep.

Tip #2: Define your word as God sees it.

Abundance in the Kingdom of God looks different. Instead of having more material items, abundance is having, “more of God.” A deeper relationship with him, a deeper connection with him, and the ability to see him more clearly in every area of life are just some of the ways abundance shows up in the kingdom. To have abundance becomes a mindset shift, that God is enough, more than enough and the well will never run dry.

Sure, there are abundant blessings and gifts that we receive from God, and because we know that every good gift comes from above, we can be sure that our blessings (big or small) are from Him and having a relationship with Him.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 ESV

Tip #3: Write out verses that speak to your word of the year.

This can be done a few ways. You can just think of verses that come to mind and write them down. You can google your word and include, “verses about” and see what scripture pops up. If you use the Youversion app on your phone there is a search feature there that will search for your word in the bible (the verses may or may not actually contain your word, but it will relate to it somehow.) The idea here is to focus on what the Word says about your word.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

Tip: #4 Write out how God blessed you this past year.

One of my favorite sayings is,

From thankful heart comes humble heart, and a humble heart God can transform.

We must have the proper heart posture before we can assess how God used our word of the year to transform us.We need to not only reflect on the past year but celebrate what God has done. One way to do this is to list your blessings. Despite our circumstances there is always something to be thankful for.

For me, in terms of blessings from God over this past year, I'm in no short supply. The main biggest blessing I have received over this past year would be the newest addition to our family. Our sweet little girl, Tabitha, is the light of my life and the joy of my heart. I see God's desire to bless our family with joy, peace and love through her.

I have always told my friends who were expecting their second or third child, (long before I even had more than one child myself) that adding children to your family does not divide your love, but rather multiplies it. I now get to experience this for myself.

We have received an abundance of love through experiencing our sweet baby, and I have also seen abundance in my coaching business and ministry as well.

When I first officially launched (re-launched) my coaching this year to focus more on writing coaching, I struggled with having a scarcity mindset. I was worried that there would not be enough people to help, and those people would choose another coach to help them instead of me. Instead, God helped me to see the abundance that was all around me. Instead of looking at it as the number of clients I had, I started to view the abundance of my business as wisdom and encouragement I had to share with others.

I specifically remember earlier this year wondering what was going to happen and how everything was going to work out with my new writing coaching business. I had just completed the certification program, and I wanted to put myself out there as a spiritual growth writing coach. I thought that would look like having clients mostly through the program that I was certified through, but God had other plans. Before I knew it, as I focused on the abundance of value, I had to offer others, I was pretty maxed out on 1:1 clients that I started exploring other ways I could serve and help more people. At this point as we end 2022, I have been working on a program that will allow me to add value to others on a larger scale. (I’ll be sharing more about this opportunity soon!)

Tip #5: By using the God's definition of your word, how did you see that word in the following areas of your life?

  • Family & Friends

  • Personal Growth

  • Finances

  • Job/Career

  • Heath &Fitness

  • Relationships

  • Spiritual Growth

  • Fun & Relaxation

Use THIS GUIDE to help you evaluate how you saw God in the different areas of your life. Typically, this exercise asks you to rate your level of satisfaction for each area. I invite you to rate how well you saw God use your word of the year in that specific area of your life.

By using THIS GUIDE, not only will you have a visual picture of where you saw God most over the past year, but you also will be able to see where you need to see more of him in the different areas.

For example, for me I saw the abundance of God in my family, specifically in my kids, but I did not see the same abundance in my marriage.

This means that for whatever my word of the year next year is, I want to be more intentional about how it can show up in my marriage.

BONUS Tip #6: Start prayerfully considering your word of the year for next year.

Looking ahead, what we learned through our word of the year this year are the key insights we take with us into the year 2023.

I believe that God wants to move in us and through us in a mighty way, but we need to first go to Him in prayer and ask Him what our focus should be. How does He desire to move in our lives (not how we desire Him to move).

Remember, we don't choose our word of the year, our word of the year chooses us. The word keeps coming up all over the place. We feel a certain way when the word in mentioned.

As we close out this year, I challenge you to be prayerful about what words seem to pop out to you as you go about your day. These may be scriptures or certain themes that you read in the Bible. Or it could be words that you hear in songs that you listen to.

What are some repeat or key themes that keep coming up that might be related to what God is wanting you focus on for next year? (Hint: often our word of the year isn’t one that we want, but one that God knows we need!)

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